It have been
busy days since Bas, Ruben and Martine left Spitsbergen, despite the tears and
hugs the show had to go on…well fieldwork in this case. For the last few days
it meant collecting organisms for Ariadna’s exposure experiment.
The animals
were taken from the Kongsfjord, with the good old workboat “Teisten”. The
entire area was sampled to find the perfect spot where the animals needed could
be found.
An amount of
100 organisms per species had to be collected, rating to a total of 400
crawling creatures! The animals where sampled from the bottom of the Kongsfjord
with help op the Van Veen Grab at depths of 20 to 60 metres! The grab is able
to collect a small amount of sediment each time so it had to be lifted up and
down a lot of times during the day.
Ariadna sorting out a sample on the Teisten. cold hands, cuts and rain,but she keeps on going... © Ben Frederiks |
Monday was a
day with horrible weather, strong gusts and a lot of showers, a lovely day to
stay inside but no…we brave few went out on the boat. The sampling went well,
but there was no abundance of animals to be found, meaning that we would have
to work a bit harder the upcoming days. To make the hardship complete: We
almost forgot dinner! Ariadna insisted to work a bit longer to finish the
preparations for the next day, still keeping the weekend dinner-schedule in mind we walked back towards the
service-building with great hunger to find out that the working days-schedule
is a bit earlier compared to the weekend…something never to forget! (don’t
worry, we still got dinner that evening).
On Tuesday
Ariadna and I were joined by Thijs and Sander, the filmcrew from the Dutch
scientific television program Labyrinth. These guys where here to film the work
we are conducting in Ny-Alesund, it was great to have them on-board, pitty that
the weather started with a fog so dense that the captain of the boat had to
slow down due to the low visibility. Later on the clouds disappeared and a
beautiful scenery appeared.
Later that
evening a Polarbear was spotted on Storholmen island at the other side of the fjord, in
no-time the whole village was looking at the enormous animal with binoculars
and telescopes. It was foraging on the islands bird nests and took a nap after
dinner. Unfortunately my camera did not have the range to make a proper photo
of it, but it was a big one!
True, it's not a polarbear but this iceberg with Kittiwakes is also worth a look. © Ben Frederiks |
Wednesday was
a great day, started sampling early in the morning, it was a calm and sunny day,
we could feel the warm sun! And with this last day of sampling the results of
our hard work are as followed: enough shellfish have been gathered, The Macoma and Astarte are ready to put in
test! On the contrary worms are a bit harder to find Nephtys and Pectinaria are not abundant and it is questionable if
these are put in test.
All with all
these were pretty good days, hopefully the materials arrive tomorrow so I (Ben) can
start up my tests concerning Ballast-water management systems too. It will be
another exiting week!